Monday, May 24, 2010

HBO Taps YouTube, iPad and Facebook to Distribute (RED) Documentary

The Lazarus Effect, a new documentary presented by (RED) — the organization that is working the help eliminate AIDS in Africa — is debuting tonight on HBO, Channel 4 in the UK and YouTube. Directed by Lance Bangs and produced by Spike Jonze, the 30-minute film follows four people in Africa whose lives were saved thanks to antiretroviral drugs.

The film will first air on HBO and 9:00 p.m. EDT and at 11 p.m. GMT on Channel 4 in the UK. Then at 9:30 p.m., the film will air on YouTubeYouTubeYouTube, where it will available globally and remain online for the rest of the year.

This is the first time that an HBO film is getting this kind of global distribution, and the film is the centerpiece of (RED)’s digital campaign for the coming year.

Check out this trailer to see what the film is all about:

The iPad, Facebook and Twitter

In addition to being available on YouTube, (RED) will release a free iPad app tomorrow in conjunction with the film. The app will contain the full-length film, as well as additional information about how antiretroviral drugs work and photos of the transformative effect that ARVs have had in Africa. The app will also include ways for users to take action by joining (RED) or lobbying governments.

We think that having an iPad app is a really cool part of the campaign — especially since the device’s design makes it a great way to watch a film and then dive into more details about the people, the issues and the potential solutions.

Facebook (Facebook) and Twitter (Twitter) are also both going to be used to promote the film and its overall message. (RED) is asking that users tweet and post status updates with the #lazaruseffect hashtag to spread the word about the cause — including facts like “40 cents a day in Africa = 2 lifesaving pills.”

HBO also built a special Lazarus Effect Facebook page that users can use to send pre-formatted messages to Twitter or Facebook.
Social Media Meets Global Need

We’ve written a lot about the role that social media and new technologies are playing in campaigns for the global good. As we’ve seen with the Red Cross’s efforts in Haiti, social media can be a powerful tool to get a message across to lots of people all over the world.

The overall message of the film — that HIV/AIDS is preventable and treatable, and that access to treatment is a fundamental part of helping eradicate the disease — is one I fully support. Check out the film, whether you watch on HBO, YouTube or the iPad and then get the word out about what we all can do to help.

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